
  • New World Man – Rush

    New World Man – Rush

    Bass Player Geddy Lee “New World Man” is a hit single from the 1982 album, ‘Signals’ by Canadian Rock band, Rush. The song was the last and most quickly composed song on the album, stemming from a suggestion by then-Rush producer Terry Brown to even out the lengths of the two sides of the cassette version.…

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  • Digital Man – Rush

    Digital Man – Rush

    Bass Player: Geddy Lee Another one from the 1982 Rush album, ‘Signals’, this is the complete Geddy Lee bass part to ‘Digital Man’. Cultural appropriation at it’s finest! Some VERY challenging fills!

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  • Countdown – Rush

    Countdown – Rush

    Bass Player: Geddy Lee Another one from the Signals album (1982), this is the tune ‘Countdown’ which recalls the band’s experience of attending a launch of the Space Shuttle! It’s alright for some…..

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  • Chemistry – Rush

    Chemistry – Rush

    Bass Player: Geddy Lee Just another track from the 1982 Rush album, ‘Signals’, this is the complete Geddy Lee bass part for the tune ‘Chemistry’. Long sections without bass are Geddy’s synth parts which include bass pedals.

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  • The Weapon – Rush

    The Weapon – Rush

    Bass Player: Geddy Lee Another track from the 1982 Rush album, ‘Signals’, this is the first of the so called ‘Fear’ Trilogy (the others being ‘The Enemy Within’ (Grace Under Pressure – 1984), ‘Witch Hunt’ (Moving Pictures – 1981) and the fourth in the trilogy ‘Freeze’ (Vapour Trails – 2000). Yes, there were four parts…

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  • Losing It – Rush

    Losing It – Rush

    Bass Player: Geddy Lee Another track from the 1982 Rush album, ‘Signals’. Rush would always look to ensure that the tracks they recorded were transferrable to the live arena which explains why all three members of the band spent their professional lives juggling guitars, double-necked guitars, synths, bass pedals, drum triggers and a host of…

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  • Subdivisions – Rush

    Subdivisions – Rush

    Bass Player – Geddy Lee 1982 saw the release of Rush’s 9th studio album, ‘Signals’. This was the start of the band’s 1980s ‘synth’ era during which the band moved away from the guitar heavy compositions that they had been known for up until this point into an era defined by Geddy Lee’s synths, Neil…

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  • Delicate Balance – Steve Morse Band

    Delicate Balance – Steve Morse Band

    Bass Player: Dave LaRue Another one of Steve Morse quasi-classical compositions, this is the tune ‘Delicate Balance’ from the 1996 Steve Morse Band album, ‘Stressfest’. Similarly to the transcription of ‘Busybodies’ published elsewhere on this website, the tune features LaRue playing a written counterpoint to Morse’s guitar melodies. Some really challenging jumps in here and…

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  • Busybodies – Steve Morse Band

    Busybodies – Steve Morse Band

    Bass Player: Dave LaRue Steve Morse is renowned for his versatility not only as a guitar player but as a composer. His back catalogue of tunes with The Dixie Dregs and with his own trios shows a degree of mastery of Rock, Country, Progressive Rock, Jazz-Rock, Fusion and Classical forms. It is to the latter…

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  • Derailleur Gears – Steve Morse

    Derailleur Gears – Steve Morse

    Bass Player: Dave LaRue A monster track from the 2000 Steve Morse album, ‘Major Impacts’, this is the complete Dave LaRue bass part to the tune ‘Derailleur Gears’ (a play on the Cream album title ‘Disraeli Gears’?). A fairly routine Rock groove in Am but there is a middle section that goes ‘out’ and will…

    Read more: Derailleur Gears – Steve Morse