Anthony Jackson – Bass
I am sorry. I just can’t help myself. More Jackson magic – this one is a lot less frantic and less intense than other Camilo performances which is why I chose it – so ordinary mortals can have a crack at the slow Latin grooves on display here. There is a health warning in here. There are a few sets of bars of 8:4 – they are marked on the chart – and the reason they are in there is because, as far as i can tell, Sibelius won’t let you put a triplet across a bar line. You just need to treat them as 2 x 4:4 bars. There is also one phrase I cannot ‘find’ rhythmically. It is bar 39 (which is repeated later on) and I cannot work it out (five against four maybe? – if you can figure it out, please let me know and I can amend the chart.
This is the lovely Latin groove that is ‘Piece Of Cake’ from the 2001 ‘Triangulo’ by the Michel Camilo Trio with AJ and Horacio Hernandez. There are stories around about Hernandez teaching AJ how to play Latin grooves properly. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall!!