Andy West – Bass
I sometimes think that Andy West is one of the coolest guys on the planet. He has certainly played some of the coolest bass parts with one of the coolest bands that every walked the stage. The Dixie Dregs were so uncool they were ice cold cool. Even the name came out of a ‘we were what was left when everyone else f***ed off’ kind of vibe about it. And yet they were absolutely stella players. Andy West now makes his living in IT but still plays and records when he can. Even that is cool. Anyway, this is another epic Dixie Dregs bass part, ‘Leprechaun Promenade’ from the 1979 ‘Night Of The Living Dregs’ album. I think I have got most of it but there are some really interesting bits where I cannot quite hear the bass well enough to be confident about it. Fortunately, none of you are ever going to play it live because no-one knows anyone who can play like Steve Morse so it’s entirely academic!
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