Cello Suite No. VI in D Major – Bach

J.S. Bach – Bass

This is my transcription of the Prelude to Cello Suite N0. VI in D Major. I have a seven string bass and it fits on there but I think it should be ok on a six or even a 5 but there are some low D’s that will screw up a four string player (just try missing the notes out or playing the octave). It’s just an interesting reading exercise (I have found that moving from a 4 to a 5 to a 6 and to a 7 can screw with your reading chops because each added string changes the note placements in your mind and causes that moment’s hesitation – just stick with it and it will pay dividends). I included it as a reading challenge – it has you jumping all over the place – and watch those 8va sections. The thing I love about practising with Bach Cello Suites is that you don’t have to play it at tempo for it to sound gorgeous. It sounds great even if you are playing it half the speed intended.

The video is for reference purposes only.

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