Bass Player: Chris Squire More Chris Squire. This track often gets a bad rap from Yes fans but we could never see what was wrong with it. It may be because it came when the Punk thing was fresh in people’s minds and may have sounded a bit naïve at the time. We find the…
Bass Player: Paul Chambers Some more Paul Chambers. This time, it’s his solo on ‘Almost Like Being In Love’ from Red Garland’s ‘Piano’ album. The solo starts at around 3:08 on the track. Watch the phrasing as PC is pushing and pulling the time all the way and this makes transcription very subtle and the…
Bass Player: Chris Squire Everybody’s favourite Chris Squire bassline from Roundabout from the Fragile LP. \Bilbo recommends that you isten to the record on this one because there are nuances in the picking that are hard to put down on paper. This is how he hears it so you may hear it differently. Transcription after…
Bass Player: Nobody First section of the cello part of Bach’s Double Violin Concerto transcribed and tweaked so it can be played on a bass (electric or double). Just an exercise but a wonderful example of Bach’s genius. We just noticed the last note is a low D so you will have to move that…
Bass Player: Jeff Berlin An odd little album that we always felt was less than the sum of its parts but the boss liked his track enough to want to transcribe it. This is the Jeff Berlin bass part for Unt from the Kazumi Watanabe album ‘The Spice Of Life’. Some nice lines in it…
Bass Player: Jeff Berlin Another Jeff Berlin/Bruford classic – This is the FULL transcription of the tune. Bilbo ‘learned’ this when he was starting to get into Jazz and Fusion bass players (he thinks he must have been about 19?). Again, he admits that could not get the detail at that point and never really…
Bass Player: Jeff Berlin Another diamond from the ‘Gradually Going Tornado’ album (all of Jeff’s bass parts from this album are now available on this website). These Jeff Berlin parts were so important to Bilbo when he was learning but all he could ever do was try to approximate and he couldn’t get hold of…
Bass Player: Mistre Bimba Some more Latin bass. The Band is Harmonia Do Samba and the track ‘Nega Do Balacobaco’ but we cannot find who the bass player is because all of the internet references to the band are in Portuguese! It’s a little bit of fun. Not a major problem reading wise due to…
Bass Player: Paul Socolow Paul Socolow is not a name that many have heard of outside of the US but he has an impressive CV that includes guitarist Leni Stern, flautist Herbe Mann and pianist Manfredo Fest. It is a track from the 1987 Fest CD ‘Braziliana’ that features in the transcription here. ‘Brazilian DOrian…
Bass Player: Ray Brown This is a full transcription of the arrangement of Mack The Knife by the Jimmy Guiffre 3. It is from an LP called ‘The Easy Way’ which is available as part of one of those 7 CD ‘classic albums’ sets. Bilbo has not included all the lines and solos but only…